Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Learning from LOST

Check out this article:

It relates management techniques and LOST. It's true that everything I learned, I learned from watching LOST.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Web 2.0

I'm a huge fan of Web 2.0. My favorites? Google Docs, RSS feeds, Wikis, and Widgets!!!! Flickr I could take or leave. YouTube is my guilty pleasure. I'm not in my 20s anymore, so why do I spend hours watching amateur music videos set to scenes from LOST?

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Technorati is fun. I immediately searched for all things LOST, and read a hilarious post. I would've found it anyway without Technorati (since I peruse the site often), but here it is... is easy to use for all your bookmarking needs, but iGoogle is easier and prettier. I don't really need them, though. I remember the URL's for all the important sites I need, like...,,, lostpedia. com... etc.

Sold Out

So I got approved for vacation days to go to Comic Con. I booked the airfare. I booked the hotel. I even bought tickets to see Phantom while there. The last thing I needed to do was buy tickets to the Con. And the first words I see on the Comic Con website were, in bright red, SOLD OUT. ----- That is, the four-day tickets were sold out. Fortunately, I was able to still buy tickets for individual days. So, I'm going to Comic Con!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

RSS Feeds

I'm a user of Rojo for RSS news feeds, and I signed up to Google News alerts by e-mail, but Bloglines works too. It was easy to sign up for anything related to Lost, which I, of course, did. I also picked PC mag b/c it's important to stay on top of anything tech related. Anybody know of anything else useful out there?