Saturday, May 17, 2008

LOST in the Library

While viewing the 7 and a half habits of highly successful lifelong learners, I thought about how I have already learned all of these habits from LOST. You can't be a stick in the mud and love LOST. I have to embrace new and crazy things! This blog should be fun. Here we go.

Habit #1: Beginning with the end in mind
My parents stopped watching LOST because they figured the LOSTies would never get off the island, that the show would never end. The season 3 finale proved them wrong.

Habit #2: Accept Responsibility for your own learning
I ask no one to watch LOST for me like my friends, Monique and Jen, do. I do my own work. (after I got busted for cheating in college)

Habit #3: View problems as challenges
I like to compare myself to Jack. We both are always trying to fix things. We both thrive in chaos. My friend, Jeff, once told me that he likes to know all about the plot upfront so there won't be any surprises. Where's the fun in that?

Habit #4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
I was so eager to learn about LOST that I flew my friend, Karen, and myself out to San Diego last July just to hear what the producers had to say about the upcoming season.

Habit #5: Create your own learning toolbox.
I have purchased all the LOST books and DVD's, so ask me anything! Lostpedia is awesome too.

Habit #6: Use technology to your advantage.
I created a spreadsheet on the characters and published it on Google Docs.

Habit #7: Teach/Mentor others.
I have taught over 2 dozen people all about LOST, and they have learned to love it too. I try to teach Zerrie, but she just won't listen!

Habit #7 1/2: Play!
I do play. I play the LOST dvd's. I play the LOST experience. I play the LOST soundtrack. I play the LOST board game. I play with the LOST action figures (not really, they're still in their boxes).


Allie said...

You are both BRILLIANT and CRAZY!! I love it!!
Keep up the creative blogs!
I am so LOST about LOST because I've missed out on all the episodes this season.
Someone needs to kidnap me, tie me to a chair, prop my eyes open with toothpicks, and make me sit still and watch everything I've missed!

keep rockin'!

Amanda Coppedge Bosky said...

I knew you were a fan but I didn't know you were THAT much of a fan! I have been disappointed with the show ever since they started doing the flash-forwards. I am only continuing to watch because I am addicted. Have you watched Battlestar Galactica?