Monday, May 19, 2008

Spoilers are bad

It is now time to stay away from all message boards and, especially, DarkUfo's site. The latter has revealed the name of the person in the coffin, and since I don't want a repeat of last year's debacle, I'm staying away.
I'm the idiot who read all about the flashforward and thought it was just a)speculation or b)a simple part of the plot. I had no idea that the flashforward was THE CLIFFHANGER. So, I went and told everyone in advance, and not a single person was left with their jaw open at the end. We were just perplexed as to what the jawdropping cliffhanger that TV Guide raved about was.
I promise, this year, I will be as surprised as everyone else.


Amanda Coppedge Bosky said...

I hate spoilers! But I am the worst about revealing them. I have a hard time keeping plot details in order so I always think I know about where the person is in the book or tv show we're talking about. I spoiled "The Subtle Knife" for my husband and I still feel terrible about it!

belilou said...

i wasn't sure which karyn this blog belonged to, but since the first thing i saw was lost pictures i knew i could only be you. can't wait for the finale next week!

Beth said...

Another friend almost told me (apparently a big spoiler) about tonight's episode...I stopped her just in time so I could watch it myself. Can't wait for the finale, but don't want to have to wait half a year for the new season! ho hum....